Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Compare and Contrast Taming of the Shrew vs 10 Things free essay sample

They share only the initial set-up and can hardly be called the same story. In the begining of 10 Things.. the father, Walter, will not allow his youngest daughter, Bianca, to date until his oldest daughter Katarina, Kat for short, dates. He does this because he knows his eldest is not, in any way, interested in dating during highschool as proven by the following quote: Have you seen the unwashed miscreants that go to that school? . Katarina is basically a teenage rebel who doesnt want to do what anybody expects. Bianca, in 10 Things, is a cheerful but sometimes snotty sophmore that thinks her sister is the bane to her existance. Meanwhile, at school there is a new boy by the name of Cameron. Cameron sees Bianca while taking a tour through his new school, called Padua, and falls instantly in love. His new friend Michael warns him away from her telling him that she is shallow, conceited, and her father wont let her date until her older sister does. Cameron doesnt care and decides to find a way to make Bianca fall in love with him. He learns of her need for a french tutor and decides to take up tutoring her while looking for a person to date Kat. After going through several interviews for what Michael and Cameron call Extreme dating they see bad-boy, Patrick. Patrick has a bad reputation and most kids are scared of him due to the rumors circulating about why he had missed a years worth of school. Michael goes and talks to local rich kid Joy Donner about paying Patrick to date Kat. Joey, too, is interested in dating Bianca. Not for the same purposes as Cameron though, Joey is after Bianca for a bet he took up with his friend that he could lay her on Prom night. Joey confronts Patrick about dating Kat and begins by pay Pat $50 per date. Patrick then proceeds to try and woo Kat, try being the key word as Kat rejects Patricks advances. Meanwhile Cameron and Bianca start to fall in love, but they are just a side story in my opinion. After a few more tries Patricks advances begin to work and Kat starts falling for him. Patrick slowly realizes that he is falling for her as well and asks Kat to go to prom with him. During prom Kat learns of Joey paying Patrick and turns against him. Once returned to school Kat writes a poem about her love/hate relationship for Patrick, he in turn buys her a guitar with the date money, she forgives him and they fall happily in love. Some asshole paid me to take out a really great girl. Is that right? Yeah, but I screwed up. I fell for her . In Taming of the Shrew the father, Baptista, will not allow anyone to court-to-marry his youngest daughter, Bianca, until his eldest daughter, Katharina is married. Baptista does this because he doesnt want to deal with Katharina anymore. Katharina is a rude, unreasonable, rebellious daughter who doesnt seem to know what she wants. One minute she is yelling at her father for trying to find her a mate and the other she is holding her sister hostage due to jealousy. It is thought no man would ever wish to marry her. Bianca has many suitors including Hortensio and Gremio. Much to the suitors dispair Bianca is not allowed to marry, so Hortensio and Gremio decide to work together to marry off Katharina so that they will be free to compete for Bianca. Lucentio, a man who had come to Padua to attend a university, sees Bianca while watching a parade and instantly falls in love with her. Lucentio overhears Biancas need for a tutor and decides to disguise himself as a Latin tutor named Cambio, so that he can secretly woo Bianca behind Baptistas back. in the meantime, Petruchio arrives in Padua, accompanied by his servant Grimio, to find a rich wife. Hortensio learns of this and decides to set Petruchio up with Katharina. Petruchio goes and trys to woo Katharina at first but then resorts to trickery and tells her father of their plans to marry. Katharina does not wish to marry Petruchio but secretly admires his strength and boldness. On the day of their wedding, Katharina is beautifully dressed with the finest fabric and beautiful jewels adorning her wedding dress. All the people to see her gasp at her radience and you can tell she is feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. But, Petruchio is late. At first Katharina jokes about it but after a while starts to get infuriated. When Petruchio finally shows up he is ridding a broken down old nag and dressed in some of the stupidest clothes ever seen, as if his goal is to mock Katharina. When doing vowels Petruchio forces a kiss on Katharina when she goes to say she will not marry him and all that comes out is she will. Petruchio then decides he wants to go home right away and will not allow Katharina the pleasure of her wedding party. Petruchio is constantly cruel to Katharina, even going as far as starving her, but in the end Katharina is the only woman to come to her husbands call and even critizes the other women for not listening to their husbands. As you can see there is a huge difference between both movies. However, there are some similarities too. Cameron, or Luciento in the shrew, really does fall in true love with Bianca and becomes a tutor to woo her. Some of the names in 10 Things are modernized versions of Shakespears names such as Patrick as Petruchio and Katarina as Katharina. Petruchio in a way is also paid for marrying Katharina as he gets her dowery. They are both about a disobediant woman in a male dominated society. I guess in this society being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time. The theme for both movies is disguise/secrecy. In language, diction, and music they are much different. Every now and then the directors threw in a phrase of what might be considered heightened prose or witty repartee, but for the most part the vocabulary is 90s highschool and rhythm is stunted. Even Kats poem is weak and falls short of what a sophmore student could write. To make up for the weak language, the directors threw in an array of great music including live performances of two groups, Save Ferris and Letters To Cleo. The effect is rather pleasing and in many cases the lyrics suggest the subtext and gives clues to the plot better then the script does.

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