Sunday, January 5, 2020

Marriage A Right Or Privilege - 1210 Words

Marriage: A Right or Privilege? Marriage is a well known social norm that is practiced in most societies. In many societies, marriage is recognized as the legal bond between one man and one woman, especially in the United States. However, beginning popularity in the 21st century, the debate on same-sex marriage has grown exponentially. Many people argue that by denying same-sex couples the right to marry they are taking away their fundamental rights as citizens. There are also some arguments that there are many repercussions to legalizing same-sex marriage, such as children being harmed by not being raised by both a mother and a father, or that birth rates would fall. Marriage should be extended to both homosexual and heterosexual couples to ensure that all citizens are able to equally enjoy the same human rights. Throughout history same-sex marriage was not always depicted as a taboo act, and in many cultures it was actually encouraged. Same sex marriage was first recorded in the early civilizations of Mesopotamia and Ancient Europe (Ridewall). Plato was also able to describe homosexual relationships in his work ‘Symposium’. Many early civilizations stated that same-sex marriage was more about character, excellence and love, rather than just being about a man and a woman. It was more common for two men to be married in the ancient customs in Rome, due to the fact that women had very little freedom and rights (Ridgewall). Gaines had said that it is a cultural issue thatShow MoreRelatedMarriage : A Privilege Or A Right?1213 Words   |  5 PagesAmira Nassar Mrs. Fox English 122 19 October 2015 Marriage: A Privilege or a Right? Every citizen of the United States is entitled to happiness; the deprivation of a beautiful feeling makes the negativity spread throughout others. 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Then again, relational unions between same sex couples are not perceived by the government because of the Barrier of Marriage Act. Basically, their common right to be hitched is withheld from them. The Christian dominant part s impact in government approach and lawmaking is one of the first motivation behind why same-sex marriage has ceaselessly neglected to increase long haul acknowledgment in the United States (Michaels , 2004). Same-sex unions have go to the cuttingRead MoreThe Issue of Gay Marriages918 Words   |  4 PagesGay marriage has come to be a pressing topic in the contemporary society as more and more individuals get actively involved in discussing it. Individuals who oppose same-sex marriage are typically inclined to bring on a deontological argument or to say that legalizing the act might bring on other issues. In contrast, people who support gay marriages focus on matters related to human rights and justice. The arguments generated by each of the sides are certainly thought-provoking and it is very difficult

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