Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tradition and innovation in the Handscroll, in Beijing, 2008 Essay

Tradition and innovation in the Handscroll, in Beijing, 2008 - Essay Example To be specific, Zhang Yimou did not try to discard traditionalism, but linked the same with new technology by allowing modern technology to enter the realm of traditional art. Similarly, the electronic Handscroll is symbolic of the transformation of general views on art and its connection with time element because the artist tries to link the unknown past with present. Besides, the artist provides ample importance to the entertainment value of the electronic Handscroll because he needs to satisfy the domestic and internationals viewers in general. Thesis statement: The research on the amalgamation of tradition and innovation in the Handscroll, in Beijing, 2008 proves that traditional Chinese art accepts modern technology the same sheds light into the rich traditional Handscroll art in China, new technologies change people’s way of creating art by motivating domestic companies to develop core technologies, and it transforms the general view on art by connecting unknown past and present in general (special references to the electronic Handscroll created by Zhang Yimou and its relationship with traditional Chinese art). This section is broadly divides into: Traditional Handscroll art in China and modern technology, New technologies and change people’s way of creating art, and The transformation of general views on art and its connection with unknown past and the present. One can see that the handscroll art in China is interconnected with the Chinese way of presenting traditional paintings. For instance, a handscroll will be in the form of a lengthy scroll consisting of paintings and the Chinese calligraphy. Besides, this sort of scrolls is not for formal display, but to spread on a flat surface and to enjoy the landscape painted on the same. Maxwell K. Hearn stated that, â€Å"To â€Å"read† a Chinese painting is to enter into a dialogue with the past; the

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Business skills Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business skills - Assignment Example This paper will provide how the entrepreneurial mindset would add value in the business environment(McGrath, 2000, p. 244). A good mindset should set its ambition for achievement. By doing this, they are setting their standards high and have an ambition to achieve. Their mindset should be forward looking. Looking forward will show the way the business has still to follow. The business mindset should be self-sufficient. Owners have to accumulate the necessary capital to sustain the business. Furthermore, the business mindset has to be optimistic(JM Haynie, 2010, p. 87). The mind has to see an advantage rather than a disadvantage for venturing into business. To achieve higher, the business has to be task and result oriented. The management should define to the employees on what the business wants. All employees, either the manager or cook should be restless and energetic. A hardworking workforce can attain any level of profit realization. Managers and supervisors have to be observant of the situation of the businesses(Hitt, 2001, p. 80). They should keep all employees on track and ensure they produce the b est. A self-confident businessperson is destined for success. They should fear no competitor and have the ability to participate in risk-taking ventures. The businessperson should also be persistent. He has to be determined to achieve anything. A business dedicated to completing a task would achieve higher in the end. The trait of independence is very important in businesses. The operators of these businesses should do things their own(Mauer, 2009, p. 98). Thus, they have to demonstrate that they enjoy conducting unconventional things. Thus will be their beginning of success. Being independent is working alone. Businesspersons should not involve family members or friends in running a business. Working independent will demonstrate the real potential of the business. In the market, there are forces that diverge attention of most entrepreneurs. They lure