Saturday, December 28, 2019

Book Analysis of Modern Architecture Written by Kenneth Frampton Free Essay Example, 1250 words

These two different but closely related schools were confronted by the challenge of creating new building types that would suit the changing social needs and preferences, in a world where technology was continuously being embraced. Schinkel was more stylistic in terms of using styles to develop republic state. The author believes that stylistic transformations in the architecture industry were merely logical consequences of technical development. Apparently, the author stalwartly conveys the rapid and consequential changes that were experienced in building designs in an apt language that disparagingly captures the reader s attention but fails to elucidate on how the different schools that emerged after neoclassicism handled the challenge. He gave a unique explanation that amounted to lucidity, stating that the art of architecture is limited over certain heights. In chapter 2, Territorial Transformations, the author states that the social-economic and interaction which emerged in the 18th century transformed Europe into an inventive center. Individuals like Jethro Tull, who invented drill cultivation by perfecting Charles Townshend's method of planting crops made a significant contribution in Europe by increasing food production thus triggering the rapid population. We will write a custom essay sample on Book Analysis of Modern Architecture Written by Kenneth Frampton or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

Friday, December 20, 2019

Communist Challenge to Classical Liberalism and Laissez-faire

In the Manifesto of the Communist Party, what communism is is discussed; this writing attempts to enlighten the world about what communism ideals are. The communist party is pro-proletariat and wants what is best, in their eyes, for the working class people. â€Å"The essential condition for the existence and rule of the bourgeois class is the accumulation of wealth in private hands, the formation of capital; the essential condition of capital is wage-labour† (Marx, p. 135). According to Marx and Engels, the reason the bourgeois class exists is because of the labor from the proletariat class; without the capital produced from the proletariat the bourgeois class would not be as successful as they are. â€Å"The Communists are no separate party†¦show more content†¦In The Working Man’s Programme by Ferdinand Lassalle, the rights of the workingman are discussed. â€Å"It is impossible in the long run with universal and direct suffrage that the elected body shoul d be any other than the exact and true likeness of the people which [have] elected it† (Lassalle, p. 163). According to Lassalle, this would be the ideal government in society but this is not usually the case realistically. Usually, the government is controlled by the rich elites and the proletariat is left to fend for itself. This was the case before the French Revolution with the estate system; the first and second estates, the rich nobles, had the majority of the influence compared to the third estate, the proletariat, who did not receive nearly as much influence. Lassalle argues that this form of government is not how the government should work and that idea is similar to the Communist viewpoint (Lassalle). The other viewpoint that is present in relation to government attempts to justify why the higher classes have a low morality. â€Å"It is [the] opposition of the personal interest of the higher classes to the development of the nation which evokes the great and necessa ry immorality of the higher classes† (Lassalle, p. 165). The higher classes are established and well off so they are not as concerned with the development of the nation as the proletariat is. The proletariat needs to develop the nationShow MoreRelatedLiberal Perspective of a State7979 Words   |  32 PagesINTRODUCTION Liberalism has meant many things over the last 400 years and has provided significant benefits to the human race. Basically, liberalism is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights and so, the main theme of liberalism throughout the period of its development was that the purpose of state is the promotion and protection of human freedom and equality and ensuring of human happiness. Liberalism meant the removal of traditional distinctions that were imposed on people. Read MoreEarly Approaches to Interantional Relations2122 Words   |  8 Pagesthe limits of the scholarly traditions of both utopianism and realism. Utopianism, which follows the tradition of philosophers such as Locke, Kant, and Mills, was based on a belief in a harmony of interests among nations that emerged out of the laissez-faire school of political economy. Realism, on the other hand, is based in the political tradition of Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Hobbes, and focuses on the role of power in inter national politics. Carr (1939) concludes that neither power nor moralityRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesHistorical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael Adas, ed., Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack Metzgar, Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered Janis Appier, Policing Women: The Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD Allen Hunter, ed., Rethinking the Cold War Eric Foner, ed., The New American History. Revised and ExpandedRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Professional and Development for Manifiesto- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theProfessional and Development for Manifiesto Company. Answer: Overview of Manifiesto Company Manifiesto Company is a marketing and advertising company that is situated in three places namely Barcelona, Madrid and Mexico. The number of employees who are working with Manifiesto organization is around 50 employees and the company was founded in the year 2004 (Manifiesto, 2017). The companys headquarter is situated in Barcelona (Spain) and the respective company is a private company. The USP of the respective company is that the employees who work together in the company work as a team and the teamwork is the unique factor that is seen in the company. The Chief Executive Officer of Manifiesto Company is Sergio Palomino and the managing director is Jesus Ovejero. The main motto of the company is that the good idea along with the ones that works the best shines the most as well. The attitude of the employees in Manifiesto is transparent as well as responsible in nature and this helps them in achieving the goals in the company as well. The respective company is one of the largest advertising and marketing companies and they provide their clients with top services as well. SWOT Analysis Manifiesto Company is marketing and advertising based company that is based in Spain, Barcelona. The respective company has some internal strengths and weaknesses along with external opportunities and threats as well. The respective company has to properly analyze the different issues that are faced by them along with the threats that have to be analyzed properly. This will help the company in improving on their weaknesses and be on the top charts with the other advertising companies in Barcelona. Manifiesto Company needs to analyze external environment carefully as this will help them in gaining proper knowledge about the competitors and this will help the company in becoming more cautious about the threats and performing better with the proper advancement in the technology as well. There are different competitors in the market for Manifiesto Company and there are different threats and weaknesses as well that can be avoided with the proper implementation of different technological advancements and other strategies as well. Strengths International management of brand along with local understanding The respective company is number one in comparison with other brands (pioneer) The company helps in managing the talents and absorb them wherein they are better than the competitors in the competitive market (Perreault Jr, Cannon and McCarthy 2013) Proper and clear positioning of the brand in the field of advertising and marketing that is good in nature Weaknesses The respective brand has less popularity and there are customers who are not aware about the particular brand There is no such history about the respective brand as there is no such upgradation in technology There is limited resources while other agencies or advertising agencies are having lot of other global resources Opportunities The respective company is a growing industry This has helped in increasing the consumerism The respective company is using different social trends that are new in nature The respective company is developing new concepts relating to different kind of advertisements There is proper development of infrastructure of the company Threats There is huge competition from multinational as well as other local advertisement agencies (Grant 2016) There will be growth in the new competitors in the market The respective company can face changes in the demand of the customers in the market There is high competition in the entire industry from other companies and they have huge recognition of brand as well There are other substitutes in the market that are dealing with providing same kind of service and they are dealing with less advertisement costs as well Regulatory risks as well as licensing fees are included Government policies, rules and procedures is complex in nature Lack of the quality content is the major concern in this competitive market of advertising and marketing (House and Street 2016) With such advancement in the technology, the respective media company named Manifiesto Company is facing uncertainty about their success in the marketplace Violation of the intellectual copyright can be a major threat to the Manifiesto Advertisement company (Dangelico and Vocalelli 2017) Figure 1: SWOT Analysis (Source: Created by author) Marketing Strategy of Manifiesto Company Proper marketing strategy is essential in nature for different companies as this will help in attracting more customers and this will help them being more competitive in nature as well (Goworek and McGoldrick 2015). There are different kinds of marketing strategies that can be used by the companies such as interactive marketing, digital marketing or online marketing that can help them in gaining proper competitive advantage (Menon et al. 2015). The marketing strategy that is used by the Manifiesto Company is unique and this will help them in attracting customers as well (Lusch and Vargo 2014). Since the Manifiesto is an advertisement and marketing company, their main motive has to be creative and unique in nature as this will help them in gaining proper competitive advantage as well. The strategies of marketing used by Manifiesto are as follows: The strategy that is used by Manifiesto is digital marketing and online marketing campaign as this helped them in explaining the different techniques of marketing as this helped them in selling their services or product to their target customers (Baker 2014). As Manifiesto is an advertising and marketing company, the main motive of the company is to conduct the business activities with the help of creating proper websites in order to provide proper offerings to the clients sometimes in the form of promotions as well. The respective company named Manifiesto has to create different initiatives as this will help them in making easy for the customers to locate their business and this will help them in attracting customers as well in the competitive market (Kim 2014). Manifiesto Company has developed a proper marketing strategy that includes proper segmentation, targeting as well as positioning of the services in the market that is unique and different from the other advertisement companies in the competitive market. The segmentation, targeting as well as positioning of the Manifiesto Company has been done on their profile, integration, design of the website of the company along with proper collaboration as well (Hollensen 2015). Manifiesto Company has properly designed their website wherein the design is simple and elegant in nature and this helped them in gaining competitive advantage. Similarly, the target customers of the respective company is the ones who are having their own business or they are having web design companies will be really attracted to Manifiesto Company as they provide the best services and they are the ones who have unique patterns of selling of services to their customers as well. The digital strategy that is used by them i s different from other competitive markets. Manifiesto Company has developed a proper mobile application that has helped the customers in designing, development of the different ideas for their websites as well. Proper advertisements are given on the websites as this helped them in optimizing the conversion between the target customers. Segmentation of Manifiesto Company The segmentation of the respective company is done on the basis of the preferences of the customers. The target customers of Manifiesto Company are the ones who are associated with web designing or opening new stores as well. The main goal of the respective company is to satisfy the customers and there are many competitors in the market as well. The main segmentation is for: For age group 25-45 For the ones who are interested in opening new stores or want proper designing of their web pages and advertisements The price of the different advertisements are reasonable in comparison with the competitors in the market (Armstrong et al. 2015) Positioning of Manifiesto Company The target customers are the ones who are interested in web designing and advertising their new products with the help of Manifiesto Company. The company is offering their services through online as well as offline mode as this will help in making the customers convenient about the usage of the services. Targeting of Manifiesto Company The target customers are the customers who are opening the new shops and are in need for advertisements for their promotional events. The targeting helps in gaining proper competitive advantage among the other competitors in the market. Figure 2: STP of Manifiesto Company (Source: Created by author) The online marketing and digital marketing is the best technique that is used by Manifiesto Company and this helps them in gaining proper competitive advantage. The other competitors in the market are having few weaknesses that are helping Manifiesto in attracting more customers with their unique selling strategies of the different services. Therefore, it can be inferred that Manifiesto Advertising and Marketing Company is one of the most affluent advertising companies in the competitive market. The technique or the strategy of marketing that is used by them is different from other competitors and this helps them in gaining proper competitive advantage as well. However, there are different threats from the competitors that can be resolved with the proper implementation of technology in their techniques of selling their services to the customers who are the target customers of Manifiesto Company. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Baker, M.J., 2014.Marketing strategy and management. Palgrave Macmillan. Dangelico, R.M. and Vocalelli, D., 2017. Green Marketing: An analysis of definitions, strategy steps, and tools through a systematic review of the literature.Journal of Cleaner Production,165, pp.1263-1279. Goworek, H. and McGoldrick, P., 2015.Retail marketing management: Principles and practice. Pearson Higher Ed. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary Strategy Analysis Text Only. John Wiley Sons. Hollensen, S., 2015.Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. House, R. and Street, L.R., 2016. CULTURAL MARKETING STRATEGY. Kim, W., 2014. A study on store-mobile-internet (SMI) omni marketing strategy: Analysis on user experience and selective behavior of fashion consumers (Unpublished masters thesis).Chung-Ang University: Seoul, Korea. Lusch, R.F. and Vargo, S.L., 2014.The service-dominant logic of marketing: Dialog, debate, and directions. Routledge. Manifiesto. (2017). Manifiesto Advertising Agency Barcelona and Madrid Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov. 2017]. Menon, A., Bharadwaj, S.G., Adidam, P.T. and Edison, S.W., 2015. Effective Marketing Strategy-Making: Antecedents and Consequences. InProceedings of the 1997 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 224-224). Springer, Cham. Perreault Jr, W., Cannon, J. and McCarthy, E.J., 2013.Basic marketing. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

English Language and Enlivening Thrill Samples †

Question: Discuss about the English Language and Enlivening Thrill. Answer: Life has so much to offer, and there are so many things in life that make one thrilled and excited. Such feelings of being keyed up are solely personal, and the activities or jobs that become a source of excitement and thrill vary form one person to another. If I am to answer the question of what makes me thrilled or excited, I would right away answer that watching horror movies at night all by myself is possibly the best activity that engrosses me into a world of excitement and thrill. The enlivening thrill of watching a scary movie alone can never be compared to any other emotion. As the women on-screen clad in night gown slowly walks down the hallway, engulfed in semidarkness, my heart begins to race. One never knows when a crazy masked murderer would emerge from the darkness and scare the audience to death. The anticipation is what draws me towards watching such movies whenever there is a possibility to do so. I simply cannot get enough of this habit as I wait in anxiety for the next slasher flick to come up on television. I might know that the consecutive events that are unfolding are purely fictitious. However, the signals that my brain sends to the body is enough to simulate physical reactions that comes as a response to the thrill. The eye movements are rapid and the heart rate increases, and when a sudden fright is encountered, the physical response is rapidly intensified. I would consider myself to have higher sensation-seeking personality attributes. The style of the respective genre might have evolved over the years. However, the elements are to remain the same. A gradual buildup to an action scene that is highly grisly might be too terrifying to watch. I am not able to look away. Though some people might opine that scary movies are to be best watched at the movie theatre, I admit that such movies are to be best enjoyed in the comfort of own space without any distraction. The essence of thill is maximum in such environment. Most of the films masterfully exploit the anxieties I develop, and it is appealing to me when a brutal hand moves across the screen or when a character suddenly moves his head round-about. The movies are meticulous and savage in their crafting and satisfying my quest for the thrill. Some of the horror movies that have grabbed my eyeballs are The Fog, Fright Night, The Guest, Saw, Conjuring and Grindhouse to name a few. The list is non-exhaustive and never-ending, and I would mention that the I even do not remember the names of all the movies that I have watched over the last few years. While some have been watched countless times, others are worth only to be watched once. The ones that I have watched more than once are classics in their own respect and decidedly mature films that imbibe the concept that the scary things of all are the invisible presence prowling in the dark.